My first blog post (12/18/2023) ♡
Finally, the blog page is here!
I don't know why i made this tbh, i'm not that interesting and i live in a place where there's nothing cool or exciting to do but... Hey! Why not? Sometimes i have something cool to say, other that i'm rotting in my bed everyday (* ̄▽ ̄)b

Ok, first thing: i saw the fnaf movie the 31st of october and it was good!
I've waited for that movie for decades and: seeing it , all the people cosplaying the characters, my friends laughing and discussing it made me so happy.

Three highlights of that day:
  • Me and some of my friends were waiting the rest of the group and a person went towards our directions, asking:"Are you guys going to watch the fnaf movie?" and when we said yes, they gave us this pic of Markiplier, we died when we saw that pic.
  • When everyone started clapped as soon as they heard "Five nights at Freddy's" by the The Living Tombstone. It was surreal, sincemi live in a country were it's unusual to clap at the end of a film.
  • A random person gifting prayer cards of Markiplier after the end of the movie.

  • And... That's all i guess, in this two months i just worked and relaxed on my bed so nothing cool happened ^^"
    Oh wait, i forgot, i adopted two new cats: Gin and Rum!
    They're so cute and affectionate, i couldn't ask for more (´ ω `♡)
    Hi hi! Welcome to my blog page!
    Here i'll post stuff about how my life is going, important stuff, trips... Basically everything!

    I'll update this page rarely and i will not say anything triggering in here so... Don't expect me to talk about my private and personal problems!

    Remember: i'm an adult and (even if it's highly improbable) some entries will have some suggestive themes, don't worry i'll warm you about that.