home sweet home ♡
Hello and welcome to my small corner on the internet stranger!You can call me Andrea or Gin, and i'm the webmaster of this site ^^
We're currently running on the (official) third version and this time i'm trying to make my site a bit more minimalist, since i was becoming crazy trying to make an interesting site with an original layout.
Why did i made this website?
The answer is simple: i just wanted to unleash my creativity :p
Modern websites are very minimalistic and in their own simplicity it's very difficult for someone to express themself, so when i discovered neocities i felt immediately the urge to make my own site, something that can represent my small, confused brain.
My journey on neocities didn't start with this site btw, my first ever website is available on the internet archive if you want to look at it!
Please note that i'm currently redoing my entire website, so most of the links are currently down.
webrings ♡
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Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness.
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